Duckietown @ Hungary, Györ

Duckietown is a reproducible, open-source course developed by MIT MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) where students can learn about self-driving vehicles, ROS, Raspberry Pi, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Now we offer a similar course based on the syllabus of this course at Széchenyi István University (SZE) in Györ, Hungary.

Videos about Duckietown.

Duckietown MIT CSAIL

A hands-on course housed at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) took students on a trip to “Duckietown.” The class’ goal was to create a fleet of 50 duckie-adorned robo-taxis that can navigate roads with just a single on-board camera and no pre-programmed maps..

Duckietown ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich students are learning about self-driving vehicles using a model with a fleet of mini-taxis. As part of the Duckietown course, they are working together with students in Montreal and Chicago on problems that concern developers of self-driving cars around the world.